Wednesday, 18 October 2017

What Will Your Remote Work Site Do When the Power Grid Fails?

If your company operates at a remote work site such as a mine or drilling rig, you know that there can be no productivity — and no revenue — without a reliable supply of power. If you can’t rely on a local grid to deliver power to your work site — or you need to know that you can continue operating in poor weather conditions — you need a generator. At RLN Energy, we believe that a Caterpillar natural gas engine is the perfect choice.

Natural Gas Is Cleaner Than Diesel

Natural gas produces far fewer greenhouse gases and nitrogen oxides than diesel. If your company needs to comply with emission regulations, you’ll find compliance much easier with a natural gas generator. Because natural gas contains little carbon, it’s also healthier for the engine itself. A natural gas engine needs less maintenance — and can sometimes last longer — than a diesel engine because natural gas leaves less deposits in the engine’s internal components. Less deposits mean that you’ll have less friction and wear increasing heat and robbing your engine of its efficiency.

Natural Gas Is Cheaper Than Diesel

For equivalent power generation, connecting your company’s generator to a natural gas pipeline provides a source of power that’s cheaper than diesel fuel. In many areas, running a facility from a natural gas generator also costs less than using standard municipal electricity.

Natural Gas Is Reliable

Having a natural gas generator gives your company two fuel supply options. You can connect the generator to your area’s natural gas pipeline, or you can store your own compressed or liquefied natural gas. The drawbacks of storing your own natural gas are that natural gas is volatile, and the storage options are expensive. In addition, liquefied natural gas may cost more than diesel fuel.

Connecting your natural gas generator to the local natural gas supply is the least expensive option for powering your work site. A natural gas line is very reliable and can usually continue delivering fuel even when the local power grid fails. Because natural gas lines are underground, they can typically withstand rain, snow, hurricanes and tornadoes.

Enjoy Legendary Reliability With a Caterpillar Generator

Founded in 1925, Caterpillar is a legendary American equipment manufacturer whose reputation is beyond compare. Caterpillar engines routinely run for several decades without problems, and RLN Energy believes that a Caterpillar natural gas generator is the ideal choice for a company that requires the utmost in reliability.

Contact Us To Learn More About Caterpillar Natural Gas Engines

A natural gas generator is the perfect choice for supplying reliable, clean and inexpensive power to your work site. Would you like to learn more about what’s available or determine what your company’s needs are? Contact the experts at RLN Energy now.

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